Hello there.

I have created numerous blogs over the years. Most were less about me and more about the things I was creating. The purpose of those blogs was to promote those things. 

The domain name for this blog is, so it’s what you’d call a hub. The idea is for it to link to, or talk about, all of the things I’ve worked on over the years–in the aggregate.

I’ve made a lot of things across time and spaces. I’m creative and productive, but I would not describe myself as an artist. I’m more a song and dance man. I don’t really have anything that needs to get out. An audience is important to me, but on my terms–and that’s a recipe for not having one, unless you’re one in a million, which I’m not.

I stopped thinking of myself as an artist a few years ago, and this was liberating. I have friends who are artists. They have something to say, something deep and personal. There is a consistency, or an aesthetic or a motif that runs through it all. I see it in everything they do. Everything undertaken with excruciating exactitude. And it takes years. I’ve never been like that. For me, it’s more, “Do shit. Then it’s done. Then, move on.”

It struck me recently that I’ve now lived most of my life in cities. Of course, that requires me to consider Los Angeles a city, which is hard to do in good conscience.

LA aside, I’ve been lucky enough to have resided in some pretty cool places since leaving the town of my birth. It inspired me to divide this site up according to location. So you’ll find each section is a city or town. In each section, I talk about the projects I worked on while living there.

You’ll also find my oeuvre pretty uneven. In some locations, output was minimal. Others, maximal.

Aside: If you’re here about the Book of Glads, welcome! If you’re looking to subscribe to the Book of Glads newsletter, tap or click here.

Photo of Todd Glider in chair
Photo by Brian Looby