Here are the videos created for the Pandemic Companion LP.

Treballadors Sanitaris
Wet Markets Sound Exotic
Donald Trump is 11 Years Old
Jigsaw Puzzles and Homemade Pizza
Shelter in Place
More Couples Divorce
Should I Be Wearing Gloves?
1 Night for Cardboard (3 Days for Glass)
State of Alarm
Carrer del Príncep de Viana
Asymptomatic Carriers
Now Let’s Wipe Down Our Produce
A Record Drop in CO2 Emissions
Dumb and Restless
Zoom Meeting on Ventilator Shortages
Carcasses Everywhere on Famous Plaza
Are You Supposed to Be Up There?
Face Masks Briefly
Flatten the Curve
Carnival Executives
The National Chloroquine Debate
Ice, Adrift and Bones
But Do They Deliver
Confinement and Children’s Mental Health